Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

... a lesson in paying it forward.

I've always believed in the power of karma... an action or deed creating the entire cycle of cause and effect.  There's both good and bad karma, the idea of paying it forward, of course, being the action that creates good karma, starting a cycle of good deeds paid in advance instead of the repayment of favors already received.

This time of year we all hear feel good stories of those paying it forward to others... making up the difference for someone's groceries when they don't have enough to pay for what they had in the their cart, paying for the gas of a complete stranger at the gas station before they have the chance to swipe their own card, paying for a meal at a restaurant for a family who doesn't expect it.  It's heartwarming and reminds us of the good in people... even in the midst of terrible heartache and trying times.  But today was the first time that I felt it, saw it in action, and was a part of the good karma cycle.

Earlier today, over lunch with my husband, he shared with me an opportunity he'd had to pay it forward... a random act of kindness to a complete stranger... and we discussed what a good feeling it had given him.  It wasn't huge in monetary value... just a small thing with a note to the recipient "Merry Christmas.  Pay it forward."  I've never been more proud to call this man my husband.

Later in the afternoon I received a call from our son's daycare.  It appeared, as I suspected was a possibility earlier in the morning, that he had an ear infection.  I had already put in a call to his pediatrician hoping to get him in that afternoon, but the earliest they could manage was tomorrow evening.  Unwilling to let him suffer an additional 24 hours if it wasn't completely necessary, I took him to the CVS Minute Clinic.  I was warned that the wait times were usually long (up to 3 hours), but my options were limited.  Fortunately, there were only 3 people in line ahead of us and, somehow, our son managed to remain calm, quiet and well-behaved.  As we sat on the floor of CVS (all of the chairs having been occupied), a woman asked if I was interested in switching places with her in line.  She was next and obviously knew that, when it comes to toddlers, extra wait time can sometimes turn unruly.  As much as I wanted to tell her that I appreciated her offer, but insist that she not give up her spot in line for us, I also knew she was right... our son is not known for his patience.  I thanked her profusely as she told the nurse to take us in her place, and I couldn't help but feel that my son and I were being rewarded for my husband's good deed from the day before.  I don't know if I deserved it, but you'd better believe I have plans for paying it forward!  :)

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